Coronation Street’s Todd Boyce, known for his villainous role as Stephen Reid – is joined by Eastenders Neil McDermott, known for playing Ryan Malloy. The pair are bringing the famous thriller Sleuth directed by Rachel Kavanaugh to the Grand Opera House, York.
Known as the “thriller about thrillers”, Sleuth is known to be more than the regular whodunnit. Running for a total of 12 years with performances in both London and New York, Sleuth won the Tony award for best play in 1971.
With the UK tour for the thriller restarting at Theatre Royal, Windsor, from January 31, 2024, touring into the spring including a week of performances in York from February 26 until March 2.
Evening performances from Monday to Saturday start at 7.30pm, with matinees on Wednesday and Saturday, starting at 2.30pm.
Tickets start at £13 and can be bought online through the link here, or at