‘Singing can enrich your life’ says York choir chairman preparing to step down

Mike Wash is in his fourth year at the head of York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir and will be in post as the group known as ‘The Phil’ celebrates its centenary in 2025.

Mike Wash is stepping down from the role of chairman at the end of the yearMike Wash is stepping down from the role of chairman in September (Image: Kevin Glenton)

He wants to open a dialogue within York and surrounding areas with those who might want to add to the choir’s ‘ongoing legacy’ as part of what he called ‘a vocation and privilege’.

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Mike said: “I have grown to love my role and recognise that it is more than a hobby.

“I’m proud to be able to contribute to the choir’s ongoing legacy, adding to the musicality of our great city, so rich in talent and opportunity for the creative arts.

“Yet I can’t help feeling we haven’t shouted loud enough about the benefits of joining our choir as we still need to grow in order to safeguard our future for another 100 years and more!”

'The Phil' performed at Cork in the International Choral Festival in 2024‘The Phil’ performed at Cork in the International Choral Festival in 2024 (Image: Supplied) He said he wanted to hear from those who enjoy singing but have no experience of doing so in a choir and might want to sit in on a Monday night rehearsal.

Mike said: “You don’t have to have had choral experience or even be able to read music.

“Experienced members of the choir will help you along and there’s no pressure to perform solo.

“The feelgood factor of being part of the unique sound of a male voice choir in itself will enrich your evening and, if you stay and join, will enrich your life.

“Music exerts a powerful influence on us all.

“Singing can boost memory, build resilience, lighten your mood, reduce anxiety and depression, improve energy levels, improve your response to pain, and enhance your confidence and social wellbeing.”

The chairman went on to say how members had joined through encouragement from friends, or how one member’s mood lifted on joining following a personal loss, and how one of the younger members has been made to feel welcome and loved that he could cross the ‘generation gap’.

Members entertained Christmas shoppers in St Helen's Square in December last yearMembers entertained Christmas shoppers in St Helen’s Square in December last year (Image: Kevin Glenton)

Mike said: “At one level we are an award winning, internationally recognised choir with partners in the Netherlands and Germany.

We have represented the UK at international festivals, have appeared on TV and radio and have a number of professional recordings.

“Our history is described in a book titled Sound Fellows – The Story of York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir by Colin Hockridge.

“We will be singing at The Barbican in a gala concert with six other choirs celebrating our centenary on the September 21.

“We are blessed with a professional music team who direct and coach us and are well organised by a committee adhering to all rules governed by us being a registered charity.

“However, at the end of the day, we are just a group of men who want to sing together.”

Anyone wishing to find out more about ‘The Phil’ or listen to examples of their output can visit their website https://www.yorkphilchoir.org.uk or turn up to rehearsals at The Citadel in Gillygate at 7.15pm on Monday evenings.

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